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About Us

The Earth's environment is under stress, and the search for solutions is anything but simple: It requires an interdisciplinary approach to problem-solving and education. The School of Environment and Earth Sciences (SEES) emphasizes the diverse contributions of technology, the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences to understanding and solving environmental problems. The Global Environmental issues which are the focus of SEES include: global warming, ozone depletion, pollution, climate change, and overexploitation of natural resources, Water and Sanitation, Energy, Human Settlements and Waste Management, Water resources management, altered land use and loss of biodiversity. The complex nature of these environmental problems can be best understood and addressed through studies that cross traditional academic disciplinary boundaries. This applies to studies of both global-scale processes as well as those that occur at the local level. 

SEES offers professional Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees in following departments: Environmental Science, Geography and Natural Resource management, Hydrology and Water Resource Management, all of which aim at training experts with unparallel skills to address global environmental problems


SEES has a total of 20 academic staff members who include; Professors, Senior Lecturer, Lecturers, Assistant Lecturers, Tutorial Fellow and Senior Technologists. About 110 students graduate from SEES every year. Since its inception in 2005, the School has graduated over 500 undergraduates, 30 Masters and 7 PhDs. Members of Staff are involved in many research initiatives, some of which include: Lake Victoria Commission research, Budalangi Flood Mitigation research, Kakamega Forest research, among others.

Our faculty members have published their research findings in national and international journals. They are also actively engaged in consultancy works and play vital roles in academic community. Through the best practices adopted by the University, We aim at the highest level of standard in generating and disseminating knowledge for the betterment of humanity.

Our vision: To be a centre of excellence in the teaching, outreach and research in planning of environment and earth systems.

Our mission: To offer professional, practical and solution oriented training on environmental and earth sciences with a focus on sustainable natural resources exploitation, conservation and management. 

Core Values:

Relevance: The School is committed to ensuring relevance in its programs and activities. 

Excellence: Excellence shall be targeted in outputs of the School.  

Equity: The School shall ensure that there is equity in all the opportunities within its jurisdiction.

Quality: All outputs and processes of the School shall ensure that quality is maintained. 

Integrity: The School shall ensure integrity in all their undertaking.

Service Charter: SEES is designed to provide efficient and effective service. The student is the focal point of all the major activities of the School. We provide the following services: 

  • Training students for various degrees
  • We undertake collaborative research
  • We provide a respository for knowledge
  • We provide a courteous, friendly and informative service within the School and in all dealings with all customers.